Thursday 8 October 2015

The Best Criminal Defense Attorney in Salt Lake City, UT

Our salt lake city criminal defense have successfully defended clients in hundreds of criminal jury trials. Here are a few interesting highlights of recent trials. Our firm urges anyone who believes they have the grounds for filing a product liability or dangerous products suit to contact one of our lawyers without delay.

Utah Doctor Murder Trial Continues

At The Zabriskie Law Firm, our Salt Lake City criminal defense attorneys are equipped to handle cases in State and Federal Court. Many people are confused as to the difference between these two types of cases, so we’re here to help explain the differences as well as some of the similarities.

The Utah state government and the U.S. federal government are two separate entities and therefore have two distinct court systems, although the federal system of government shares power at the national and state level.

Judges that oversee State Courts are also selected differently than judges that oversee Federal Courts. According to the U.S. Constitution, the President directly chooses federal judges. Nominations are then confirmed by the Senate. Most hold this office for life. State Court judges, on the other hand, can be elected or appointed, depending on the state, and serve in that position for varying lengths of time.

An overwhelming majority of criminal cases are heard in State Court, but this does not mean that some are not heard in Federal Court. Primarily, Federal Court is the arena for cases that deal with constitutional issues, bankruptcy, etc. Criminal cases heard in Federal Court are cases in which the defendant is accused of violating federal law.

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